Sunday, January 17, 2010

Visually Badass

Howl's Moving Castle (2004)

Avatar (2009)

I've realized I like movies that look like video games. Maybe its because I suck at video games but like watching other people play them.

Animation and cinemetography can teach alot about photography. Stop motion filmmaking is my favorite. This guy, Jan Svankmajer makes the coolest stuff I've ever seen in my life.


  1. That video is so awesome and kind of adorable.

    Also, have you seen Spirited Away? I think it was made by the Howl's Moving Castle guy. It's got lots of cool little creatures in it. ^_^

  2. Isn't it wonderful! I saw Spirited Away once and I loved it. And I'm usually very anti-anime. The characters in it are mind blowing.

  3. Spirited Away and Howl's Moving Castle were, indeed, both made by Hayao Miyazaki. I have yet to see the beginning half of Howl's Moving Castle, but I LOVE Spirited Away. I think the reason why I you like it over other anime is because the style is so different.

    ...AND b/c it KICK'S ASS! XD

    Anyways, I like how you posted movie stills as opposed to photos, b/c you make a good point when you say that animation and cinematography relate to photography. And, besides, Avatar and Howl's Moving Castle are the shit! :D
