Tuesday, February 9, 2010

you're so vain, i bet you think this photograph is about you

Reasons Rebekka Gudleifsdottir is amazing:

1. She's from Iceland

2. She's a self portraitist

3. She's gorgeous

4. She takes pictures with anchors

5. This photo is not photoshopped

6. i can relate:

"I've flirted with self-portraiture for several years. To begin with , this self-scrutiny was a means of healing a badly bruised self image. Over time, my self-portraits have evolved in several different directions. Spurred on by my love for the Icelandic landscape, an active imagination and stubborn do-it-yourself attitude, I work alone, preferably in uncomfortable conditions, often employing props I've made or found. I aim to create images which invoke the viewers curiosity, allowing their imagination free reign to create a narrative around the moment I've chosen to present. Some of these are sparked by emotional turmoil or personal experience, others are simply playful, surreal or disturbing images my minds eye has conjured up, and I feel a need to share with others. In addition to pursuing my artistic goals, I'm the mother of two boys, and design & knit sweaters for a living."

!! Well, minus the mother of two boys part

What i'm trying to say is (2008)

7. Also, her photographs have awesome names too!

An exercise in futility (2007)

Once in a blue moon (2008)

more to come..... maybe...

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